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  1. #1
    تاریخ عضویت
    نوشته ها
    Junior Member

    Exclamation خطا در شبیه سازی ofdm با متلب

    با سلام من تازه کارم با متلب قصد شبیه سازی رو داشتم. اینم مقاله ای که قصد شبیه سازیش رو داشتم:
    ولی با اررو زیر مواجه شدم لطفا راهنمایی بفرمایید باتشکر.

    	 function y=mapping (x) | Error: Function definitions are not permitted in this context.
    	 function y=mapping (x)
    	% it is symbol mapping for QPSK mapping
    	%x = input signal of data (size ۱xN complex)
    	%y = output signal of data (size ۱xN complex)
    	% in this part, we will do splitting data into real and imaginary part rex = real (x);
    	% real part of the signal (splitting data into real part)
    	% letter a in the block diagram above is representing this part
    	imx = imag (x);
    	% imaginary part of the signal (splitting data into imaginary part)
    	% letter b in the block diagram above is representing this part
    	rey = quantiz (rex, [۰]);
    	% it is for dividing axis into two parts due to ۴ QPSK
    	imy = quantiz (imx, [۰]);
    	% it is for dividing axis into two parts due to ۴ QPSK
    	rey = ((rey .* ۲) -۱) .* sqrt (۲);
    	imy = ((imy .* ۲) -۱) .* sqrt (۲); y = rey + j.*imy;
    	%Just to summarize shortly what has been done in this part is dividing complex plain into ۴ regions and every region is represented by defined point which is ideal point (refer Figure ۶)
    	function error = compare (correct, received)
    	% in this function, it is comparing correct signal with received signal
    	e =(correct ~= received) ;
    	% this part is when error is not equal to received signal
    	error = sum (e) ;
    	% it is sum of errors
    	function ser = structure (snr)
    	% it is the main function
    	n = ۱۲۸ ;
    	% it is the block size of OFDM for this simulation
    	%snr = ۱۰ ; m = ۱۰;
    	% it is averaging ser = ۰ ;
    	for ii=۱:m
    	a = rand (۱,n);
    	% it is generating random data into real part of the signal
    	b = rand (۱,n);
    	% it is generating random data into imaginary part of the signal
    	a = ((a .* ۲) - ۱);
    	% it is making bipolar signal to unipolar signal
    	b = ((b .* ۲) - ۱);
    	% it is making bipolar signal to unipolar signal
    	c = a + j .* b ;
    	% it is making complex signal
    	d = mapping (c) ;
    	% it is transmitted signal before IFFT (QPSK mapping)
    	e = ifft (d,n) ;
    	% it is OFDM Modulation
    	f = awgn (e, snr) ;
    	% it is additive noise which was added here
    	g = fft( f,n);
    	% it is OFDM Demodulation
    	h = mapping (g);
    	% it is signal after QPSK de-mapping
    	ser = ser + compare (h,d);
    	% it is comparing signal h (Signal after QPSK de-mapping) to signal d
    	%(Transmitted signal before IFFT) end
    	ser = ser ./ m;
    	% it is division in averaging
    	ser = ser ./ n;
    	% it is division in by number of subcarriers
    	function loop
    	% This is the looping function. This function is used for looping in the simulation.
    	for snr = ۰:۵:۵۰
    	% it is sweeping over snr values
    	SER (ii) = structure (snr); SNR (ii) = snr ;
    	ii = ii + ۱;
    	semilogy (SNR, SER)
    	% it is y axis values from ۰ to ۱
    	xlabel(&#۳۹;SNR in dB&#۳۹;
    	% it is labeling x axis
    	% it is labeling y axis
    	% end of coding
    ویرایش توسط saeed : 2019/08/08 در ساعت 10:40
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